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This year we are traveling along with Ghengis Khan as he visits his children and grandchildren across the great Mongol Empire.

  (This menu is by no means historical, just dishes loosely based on each Khanate's geographical region.)


​Our first stop is Il-Khanate, established by Ghengis' grandson Hulagu Khan after his brother Möngke Khan died.  Its core territory lies

in what is now part of the countries of IranAzerbaijan, and Turkey.

Spicy Persian Style Carrot Salad, Dried Apricots, Roasted Pistachios, Honeyed Dates

Our second stop is Khanate of the Golden Horde, founded by Batu Khan, another grandson of Ghengis Khan.  The territory of the Golden Horde at its peak extended from Siberia and Central Asia to parts of Eastern Europe from the Urals to the Danube in the west, and from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea in the south, while bordering the Caucasus Mountains and the territories of the 

Mongol dynasty known as the Ilkhanate.

Mini Roast Beef Kanapki, (served on brown bread with horseradish cream), Pickled Assorted Garden Vegetables

Our third stop is The Great Khanate, established by Kublai Khan, another grandson of Ghengis Khan.  He renamed the empire the Yuan Dynasty, which means Origin of the Universe.  It encompassed most of modern day China and Mongolia. 

It was the first dynasty to rule all of China that was not founded by a Han ethnicity.

Khuushuur (Mongolian Meat Pie), Roasted Spicy Tofu, Oi Kimchi (Cucumber Kimchi)

Our final stop is the Chagatai Khanate, ruled by Chagatai Khan, the second son of Ghengis Khan.  At its height in the late 13th century the khanate extended from the Amu Darya River, south of the Aral Sea,  to the Atltai Mountains in the border of modern-day Mongolia and China, roughly corresponding to the area once ruled by the Qara Khitai (Western Liao dynasty).  His son's have raided the lands to the south to bring back some exotic sweets to end the meal.

Peda, Nankhatai, Laddu

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